Can I fence my front garden?

18 October 2023by timberlandry.com0

When it comes to home ownership, planning permissions are expected, but the realm of garden fences is often overlooked in this regard. Surprisingly, there are specific rules and laws governing what you can and can’t do with your fence, collectively known as garden fence protocol or the garden fence law.


Garden fence protocol is your go-to resource, detailing everything from fence ownership responsibilities to maximum fence heights and steps to take if your neighbour’s fence encroaches into your garden. Have you ever wondered about the intricacies of garden fence protocol? Do you understand what side of the gate you own or what to do if the neighbour’s fence has to be repaired? This detailed handbook has all of the answers you require!


Garden Fence Law in the UK: Unravelling the Details


Much like many aspects of life, even your garden fence is governed by a law aptly titled the ‘garden fence law.’ Understanding this law is crucial; any deviation from the garden fence protocol could land you in significant trouble, potentially even leading to court proceedings—yes, you read that right, court battles over your garden fence!


Garden fence protocol is generally consistent for houses across the UK. However, for the specifics applicable to your property, you should refer to your mortgage deeds or the land registry document.


To Fence or Not to Fence: Debunking Myths


Contrary to popular belief, there is no garden fence law mandating that you must fence your garden. However, certain legal conditions require a garden fence. These conditions include residing next to a railway, mine, or quarry or needing to prevent livestock from entering your garden due to nearby fields with livestock.


Your deeds can shed light on the garden fence protocol for your land, with some stating the need for fencing even if you don’t fall into the conditions above. Fencing, even if not obligatory, can act as an excellent deterrent to burglars and unwanted guests. It also prevents young children and pets from embarking on unexpected adventures.


Navigating Fence Ownership: Whose Side Is It Anyway?


Fence ownership rules can vary. To determine the garden fence protocol for your property, delve into your house deeds or land registry page.


A common misconception revolves around the garden fence protocol, suggesting that you’re responsible for the fence on the right side as you face the front of your house. However, this is merely a myth. Your house deeds or the ‘Seller’s Property Information’ are the definitive sources. Determining the boundary accurately is vital to avoid disputes. Legal documents or land registry documents can provide boundary information, and seeking advice from a lawyer might be prudent if uncertainties persist.


Decoding Fence Responsibility: Tackling Common Scenarios


According to garden fence protocol, if the fence is inside your neighbour’s boundary, they can build it without your permission. However, if it’s on the shared boundary, joint discussions are necessary, and the fence’s cost should ideally be shared equally.


Even if the fence lies within your neighbour’s boundary, it’s customary, as per neighbourhood courtesy, for them to inform you in writing, providing a 30-day notice before commencing work. This notice allows you to prepare for any disruptions the construction might cause.


Height Matters: Understanding Garden Fence Heights


Garden fence heights can differ based on local council rules, but the general garden fence protocol in the UK stipulates a maximum height of 2 meters for your back garden. Planning permission is necessary for taller fences or for adding structures such as trellises on top. However, if you wish to add bushes or plants to the fence’s top, planning permission isn’t required.


In the front garden, the garden fence protocol dictates a maximum height of 1.2 meters. Similar rules apply; if you desire a taller fence, applying for planning permission is essential. Ensuring compliance with these height regulations is pivotal for maintaining harmony with neighbours and adhering to legal requirements.


Neighborly Leaning: Addressing Fence Inclination


If your neighbour’s fence is leaning into your garden, the garden fence protocol states that unless it’s your fence, you cannot make repairs without their consent. While you can ask them to rectify the situation, they aren’t legally obliged to do so. A solution in line with garden fence protocol is to place free-standing plants that can prop up the fence or conceal the lean on your side.


Counting the Costs: Exploring Garden Fence Expenses


The cost of your garden fence varies based on the chosen type and style, as well as the required length. Various types of garden fencing come with different price tags. Larger gardens or taller fences tend to incur higher expenses. To estimate your garden fence cost, several online calculators are available, aiding in budget planning.


To provide a quick overview, here are some estimated garden fence costs, inclusive of hiring a tradesperson, for installing timber fence boards in an average-sized UK garden approximately 15 meters long:


Wooden Fence Costs:


Lap fence panels: £500

Feather edge fence panels: £600

Slatted fence panels: £600

Trellis panels: £800

Decorative panels: £800

Venetian panels: £900

Tongue and groove panels: £1000

Alternative Fence Costs (per foot):


Split rail: £1-4

Wire: £1-7

Electric: £3-7

Picket: £7-10

Vinyl: £15-30

Corrugated metal: £20-28

Aluminium: £20-30

Plastic: £20-30

Wrought Iron: £25-40

Steel: £25-40

(Source: Price Your Job)


Types of Garden Fencing: Choosing the Right Fit


When it comes to selecting a fence, you’re spoilt for choice with various garden fencing types, each offering unique features and aesthetics. Here’s a breakdown of different garden fencing options, along with their pros and cons:


Close Board/Featherboard Fencing:


Close board/Featherboard fencing is a versatile and robust option, suitable for most gardens. It offers durability and security, making it an excellent choice for those with pets or young children. However, maintenance and potentially high installation costs are factors to consider.


Larch Lap Panel:


Larch lap panels present a cost-effective alternative to close board fencing. Though less long-lasting, they provide privacy and deter burglars. Maintenance is necessary to ensure longevity.


Picket Fencing:


Picket fencing offers a traditional look, ideal for front gardens. While it serves as a good boundary marker and allows in light, it doesn’t provide substantial privacy. Regular maintenance is essential to preserve its appearance.


Slatted Fence Panels:


Slatted fence panels have a modern and neat appearance. While they create a sleek garden look and visually elongate the space, they may allow weeds to grow through and lack complete privacy due to gaps between slats.


‘Hit and Miss’ Fencing:


‘Hit and miss’ fencing, available in both horizontal and vertical styles, is sturdy and allows wind to pass through, minimizing the risk of toppling. It offers attractiveness on both sides and ensures security and privacy. However, it can be expensive and requires high maintenance.


Optical Illusions: Making Your Garden Look Bigger


If you dream


In the UK, is it legal to put up a 6-foot fence in my front garden?

In the UK, it is allowed to erect a 6-foot fence in the front greenery, but it’s essential to be mindful of the regulations and secure the required licenses. Planning approval is often optional in the front yard of a property in the UK for fences up to 2 meters (about 6.5 ft) in height. However, you would need to request permission for planning from the local government if you intended to erect a fence taller than this. When placing a fence on your front lawn, it is usually essential to check with your local authorities or a professional to guarantee compliance with the laws and prevent legal issues.


Can I erect a fence alongside a road?

You can install a fence adjacent to a road, but you must follow all local laws and safety standards. The location and height of fences near roads are often subject to regulations. The purpose of these laws is to safeguard both drivers and pedestrians. Check with the municipality or local body to learn about the rules that apply to the area before building a fence. Fences close to roadways generally shouldn’t hinder the view for drivers or slow down driving. You may improve the beauty of your residence while upholding standards of road safety by adhering to these guidelines.


Can I build a fence right next to a public walkway?

You can build a fence close to a public pathway, but you must keep walkers’ safety and convenience in mind. It is essential to make sure that the public route is accessible and unobstructed if a fence is put up next to it. The majority of local governments have specific regulations governing the height and style of fences that are placed next to public routes. It is recommended to review these rules and, if required, acquire the necessary licenses before erecting the fence. Furthermore, keeping a modest gap between the wall and the path can provide a clean walking area, improving pedestrian security and the comfort of passing. By heeding these recommendations, you may benefit from a fence’s advantages.

Can I erect a wall rather than a fence?


You may decide to construct a wall rather than a fence on your property.

 Unlike fences, walls provide solid boundaries, offering enhanced privacy, security, and sound insulation. But there are a few things to think about. Check local regulations and homeowner association rules to ensure compliance with height and design restrictions. Additionally, building a wall typically requires more extensive construction work and may involve higher costs compared to installing a fence. It’s essential to hire a skilled contractor who understands the legal requirements and can construct the wall safely and professionally. By adhering to local guidelines and seeking expert assistance, you can opt for a durable and aesthetically pleasing wall to define your property.


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