How do I make my fence higher?

18 October 2023by timberlandry.com0

Fences serve various purposes, from security and privacy to aesthetics and pet safety. Sometimes, you might need to extend the height of your wall, and several ways exist. In this detailed guide, we’ll explore three popular methods: adding extra boards, using trellis or lattice screens, and incorporating living fences. Each approach has unique benefits, from enhancing privacy to adding a touch of natural beauty to your surroundings.


Options for Extending Fence Height


Adding Extra Boards:

Attaching extra boards is a simple yet effective way to increase your fence’s height. This method measures, cuts, and secures additional panels to your existing wall. Proper safety precautions and matching paint ensure a seamless blend with your current structure.


Trellis or Lattice Screens:

Trellis or lattice screens offer an elegant solution for height extension. These decorative toppers rest on your fence, providing a stylish look. While they might not offer complete privacy, they enhance security and can deter pets from jumping over. The open design allows light through, ensuring your garden remains vibrant.


Living Fences:

Consider living fences adorned with climbing plants and vines for a natural touch. These living structures add height and bring life and charm to your yard. Poles and wires guide the vines, and with proper care, they increase, covering the top of your fence in greenery.


Installing Fence Extensions: A Step-by-Step Approach


  1. Discuss with Neighbours:

Open communication with neighbours is crucial. Inform them about your plans and explore the possibility of shared projects, fostering a sense of community. Additionally, check neighbourhood guidelines, primarily if homeowners are associated with specific height restrictions.


  1. Choose Materials:

Select appropriate materials, such as boards, trellis, or lattice screens. Consider the design, height, and aesthetics that match your existing fence. Paint or treat the materials for weather resistance and durability.


  1. Measure and Plan:

Accurate measurements are critical. Measure the fence and plan the height extension, considering functionality and visual appeal. Consider how the extended height might impact your yard, ensuring it complements your overall landscape.


  1. Installation Process:

Wear protective gear and use impact drills to attach extra boards securely. Firmly screw them to the top of the fence for trellis or lattice screens. For living walls, insert poles and install wires to guide the vines. Alternatively, seek professional assistance for precise and aesthetically pleasing installations.


Conclusion: Ensuring Beauty, Security, and Harmony


Extending your fence’s height is a thoughtful enhancement that requires careful planning and execution. Whether you prefer the simplicity of added boards, the elegance of trellis screens, or the natural allure of living fences, each method contributes to functionality and aesthetics. While DIY attempts are possible for guaranteed beauty and security, enlisting the expertise of professionals like Bravo Fence Company ensures your fence extension aligns seamlessly with your vision. Contact us today for a quote, and let’s elevate the charm and security of your outdoor space together!


Can you raise a fence by adding to it?
Extending the height of a fence is easily achievable through methods like adding extra boards, attaching trellises, or encouraging climbing plants. These approaches enhance privacy, security, and aesthetics, transforming your outdoor space into a secluded sanctuary. Whether you’re seeking a simple solution or a natural, green barrier, versatile options are available to suit your needs.

What is the best height for a fence?
The perfect fence height varies based on individual needs. If you’re aiming for privacy, a fence ranging from 6 to 8 feet offers a secluded haven. For heightened security, a wall exceeding 8 feet is a robust deterrent. Alternatively, a more modest 3 to 4 feet might suffice if your goal is purely decorative or boundary demarcation. Tailoring the fence height to your specific purpose ensures you get the most out of your fencing solution.

How do you make a fence even on uneven ground?
Creating a level fence on uneven ground demands meticulous planning and adaptable techniques. You establish a sturdy foundation by carefully assessing the terrain, adjusting post depths based on height differences, and stabilising with gravel or concrete. Stepping panels or staggered boards are critical to maintaining evenness on slopes, ensuring a seamless appearance. Additionally, adjustable brackets provide flexibility, allowing the fence to conform to the land’s natural contours. With these methods, your wall stands robust and uniform, overcoming the challenges of uneven terrain.

How do you fix a rotten leaning fence?

Correcting a leaning fence demands a systematic approach. Start by assessing the cause, whether it’s weakened posts, poor installation, or soil erosion. Reinforce leaning posts with diagonal braces or support beams, adding stability. Strengthen the base by introducing concrete, preventing future leaning issues caused by decay. Regular maintenance, including promptly fixing loose screws, ensures the fence remains upright and secure, extending its lifespan and maintaining your property’s security and aesthetics.


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